Since we've been so far away from family for the last several years, some things change from year to year about how we do Christmas, but a few things remain the same. I suppose you would call them our traditions...things that are important to us and we make a point to do them.
1. Gingerbread Day - we use a recipe from my great grandmother that is an all day affair. This really gets us all in the mood for Christmas. We do all kinds of shapes and never the traditional colors of frosting. We prefer blue, purple, yellow, green because the red never tastes good by the time you get it red enough.
One of the funnest parts is remembering all of the folks through the years that have been a part of our Gingerbread day (Wests, Keelan, Bill and Shane, the Nortons, the Khouris, Frank and Aaron, Lucy and Brit, the Potkulskis, and this year Hilton and LillieClaire)
This was something my sister Steph and I would do every year, so it is so cool to see my kiddos doing it with their siblings. Not to mention, they are the best gingerbread cookies ever!
Colton says the best part is the messy part!
2. Advent - Granny Lu gave us our Advent calendar when Kenzie was just a baby, and the kids take turns each day putting up that part of the Christmas story. We do different things to focus on Jesus throughout the season, and this keeps us focused each day as we add a new piece to the story. Most years we do an Advent wreath as well, but this year, Mama went back to work and didn't get that done...we'll have to bring it back next year.
The 3 kids rotate days to put up each piece, and they alternate who gets to put up the most important "Jesus" piece...this year was Asher's turn.
and hot chocolate and drive around looking at Christmas lights and singing songs (some traditional carols, lots of George Strait Christmas songs)
1. Gingerbread Day - we use a recipe from my great grandmother that is an all day affair. This really gets us all in the mood for Christmas. We do all kinds of shapes and never the traditional colors of frosting. We prefer blue, purple, yellow, green because the red never tastes good by the time you get it red enough.
3. Heart gifts - each of the kids has a stocking on his/her bedroom door, and they fill out pieces of paper with their gifts of the heart to eachother. Some from this year were, "I'll take Addie on a walk for you." from Asher to Kenzie. "I'll play house with you and be whatever you want me to be." from Colton to Kenzie. "I'll work a puzzle with you." from Kenzie to Asher. "You rock. You're the best sister ever." from Asher to Kenzie. "I'll read 2 books to you and 1 Where's Waldo? book" from Kenzie to Asher
I was especially proud of Kenzie this year. She never had to be reminded and she really came up with some sweet thoughts and truly heart gifts. God is really doing a work in her little heart.
4. Christmas story - we've always read the Christmas story on Christmas Eve, but since we've been at Covenant, the kids memorize the Christmas story. So for the last few years, one of the children have recited the story from memory then we talk about a particular aspect of the story.
5. Christmas lights - sometime during the Christmas season, we all load up in the car in our jammies, roll down the windows so that it's really cold, snuggle up with blankies
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