Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Father's Eyes

One day at the beach I was with Asher at the little water slide at the condo where we were staying. I had inched my way over closer and closer to the water slide because several big boys had taken over the slide and were ruining it for the little children (it's the teacher in me...I can't stand it when children are unsupervised and ruining things for smaller children...that's why I pretty much avoid Chuck E. Cheese altogether).

Anyway, I digress, I began to watch this little boy who would come down the slide, pop up then feel around for the pole, then the rope, and hang on to it all the way to the line, then go up the stairs, down the slide, repeat. It took me awhile to realize that this little boy was blind. I watched him, amazed at his confidence and independence. I looked around because I was the only parent besides one other dad in the water with the children, and that dad was obviously not with him.
I kept looking and wondering...where are his parents?
I still kept looking, then I saw her.
His mother.
Sitting in her lounge chair, never taking her eyes off of him. She was oh so aware of his every move, but even when he would stumble or bump into someone, she didn't move. She quietly watched (with baited breath I'm sure) her boy whom she loved more than words can say, and while I'm sure she wanted to protect him from every bump and misstep, she knew that she must let him find his own way (he was only 6). I talked to her for awhile and was amazed by her spirit and confidence in him.

It got me to thinking that it was very much like our relationship with God. When He sees us bump and stumble and mess things up, He is so very aware of our every move, but He knows that it is better for us to find our own way and come to Him, than for Him to protect us from everything. He allows us to choose to follow Him and to love Him. He could absolutely sweep us up in a heartbeat and take us home, but He has bigger plans for us than that. He loves His children, and His eye is absolutely on us.

I've been pondering this a great deal lately since I read The Shack during vacation. Anyone out there reading it? Let me know your thoughts...



Stories like this one are why I am so thankful you are my friend.

Lanier Kelley

Oh my! The Shack! It has consumed me lately. I've read it 6 times in the past two weeks. It's all I can think about. It has made "relationship" become so real for me. I could write for hours the things that have become more real for me from the book. I've bought 28 copies (emptied Sam's & Walmart) and have been giving them to anyone who will read it. I've gotten glimpses of "Papa", Jesus, & the Spirit that I pray I never lose. Amazing book (to me!)


This is why I say that "my wife rocks!"


Jana, thanks for this sweet, amazing helps to get the glimpses to help keep our focus where it should be.


Jana, thanks for this sweet, amazing helps to get the glimpses to help keep our focus where it should be.