Ten Reasons Why You Should Get Involved With Childhood Cancer Awareness Month:
1. 46 children are diagnosed EVERY day.
2. Less than 3% of Cancer research money goes to Childhood Cancer.
3. Cancer affects children of all ages, but the average age of diagnosis is 6. They should be going to t-ball practice, not chemo treatments.
4. Because of the amazing ministry Jay's Hope has with these families. Learn more about them
5. Because it is your child.
6. Because it is not your child.
7. Because cancer is the #1 disease killer of children.
8. Because of
Holly, and
Abby, and numerous others that are battling the beast of cancer every day.
9. Because you can.
10. Because children ought to be free of these kind of worries...their biggest worry ought to be what teacher they got this year, not what protocol they will get next.
Do what you can, with what you have, right where you are. Visit
Jay's Hope today.